- Area of Specialization: School/Community/Public Health Education
- Department of Health and Safety Education
- Dr. OGBE, Joseph Ogheneruese was born on 20th September, 1960 in Okpara Inland – Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. He studied Nursing, Human Nutrition, public administration, industrial and labour relation and health education under the underlisted institutions:
Ph.D: Health Education – Delta State University, Abraka (2006); MPA: Delta State University, Abraka (2006); M.Ed: Health Education, Delta State University, Abraka (2003); MILR: Delta State University, Abraka (2001) P.G.D (Education): Delta State University, Abraka (2000); B.Sc. (Hons) Human Nutrition: University of Ibadan, Ibadan (1985); Registered Nurse Diploma: Nursing Council of Nigeria (1980); West African School Certificate: West African Examination Council (1974)
He was an Head of Departent in the Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Delta State University, Abraka between 2018-2019.
He was a Head of Department and acting Dean of Science, Delta State College of Education, Mosogar, Delta State between 2004-2006.
My Publications- Ogbe, J.O. (2020) Appraisal of the Implementation of the National School Health Policy in Secondary Schools in Nigeria, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol.9 Pages: 149-156
- Ogbe, J.O. (2019) Emergency Obstetric Care Availability Health Education and Maternal Mortality Reduction in South-South Nigeria, IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)
Vol.8 Pages: 117 – 126
- Ogbe, J.O. (2019) Primary Schools Readiness for Health Emergencies among Primary Schools in Delta State, Nigeria, Journal of Educational and Social Research. Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research
10.2478/jesr-2019-0004 Vol.9 Pages: 37-44
- Ogbe, J.O. (2019) Anthropometric Indices as Determinants of Health Status among Primary School Children in the Delta South-Senatorial District, Delta State, Nigeria, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition
10.3923/pjn.2019.333.338 Vol.18 Pages: 333-338
- Ogbe, J.O. (2018) Household size as correlates of household income and health expenditure among low income earners’ households in central senatorial district, Delta State, Nigeria, Implications for health education, IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS). Vol.7 Pages: 1-6
- Ogbe, J.O. (2018) Health care seeking behaviour among the people of Delta State Nigeria: Implications for health information and education, Education Research Journal
Vol.8 Pages: 117 – 126
- Ogbe, J.O. (2018) A study of HIV/AIDS knowledge among Health Education and guidance and counseling students in Delta State University, Abraka implications for curriculum development and practice in Education, Niger Delta Journal of Education Vol.10 Pages: 16-25
- Ogbe, J.O. and Eboh, L.O. (2018) Health educators’ perception of sexuality abuses in tertiary institutions in Delta/Delta State, Educational Journal of Multi-disciplinary studies'_perception_of_sexuality_abuses_in_tertiary_institutions_in_EdoDelta_State Vol.7 Pages: 44-56
- Ogbe, J.O. & Afoh, M.O. (2017) Influence of Practice Variables on Effective Health Education Practice in Primary Healthcare Facilities, Delta State., Nigerian Journal of Health Education Vol.21 Pages: 79 – 95
- Ogbe, J.O. (2017) Assessment of the Current Status of Females Genital Mutilation in Delta State, Nigeria. , African Journal of Studies in Education.
Vol.12 Pages: 204 – 214
- Ogbe, J.O. (2016) Assessment of School Violence Prevention Strategies among Secondary School Students in Delta State, Nigeria., Delsu Journal of Educational Research and Development (DJERD) Special Edition Vol.2 Pages: 282 – 289
- Ogbe Joseph Ogheneruese, Ekuremu Joy (2016) Gender Differences in Anthropometric Indices Among Primary School Children in Delta South-Senatorial District, Delta State Nigeria, International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences Vol.5 Pages: 220
- Ogbe, J.O. (2015) Analysis of parents/teachers perception of the use of corporal punishment in primary schools in Delta and Edo State, Nigeria, Journal of education and practice Vol.6 Pages: 23-29
- Ogbe, J.O. (2015) Analysis of Community Psycho-Social Insecurity and Health among Household Heads in Delta State, Nigeria, Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare Vol.5 Pages: 14-20
- Ogbe, J.O. (2014) perceived environmental factors as correlate of availability and utilization of schools health services in primary schools in central senatorial district of Delta State, Journal of Education and Practice Vol.5 Pages: 96-103
- Ogbe, J.O. (2014) Assessment of Risk – Prevention Strategies in Drug Prevention NS Control in Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria., Nigeria Journal of Health Education
Vol.18 Pages: 210 – 223
- Ogbe, J.O. (2013) Psycho-Active Drugs as Predictor of Mental and Behavioural Disorder among Patients of the Federal Psychiatry Hospital Benin – City, Nigeria from 2008 – 2012: Implications for Health Education, Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
Downloads/8219-10571-1-PB.pdf Vol.3 Pages: 102-109
- Ogbe, J.O. (2013) Analysis of socio-economic factors as barrier to family planning among Ijaw Riverine Women in Bomadi Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria., International journal of Health and Education
Vol.2 Pages: 9 – 22
- Ogbe, J.O. (2012) Impact of school health services on knowledge attitude and practice of health among students towards strengthening national health status in Delta State University, Abraka., European Journal of Educational Studies Vol.4 Pages: 83 — 89
- Ogbe, J.O. and Eboh, L.O. (2012) Health educators’ perception of sexuality abuses in tertiary institutions in Delta/Edo State, Benue State University Journal of Education'_perception_of_sexuality_abuses_in_tertiary_institutions_in_EdoDelta_State Vol.17 Pages: 92-101
- Ogbe, J.O. (2012) School Healthful Environment as Precursor of Strengthening National Health Status among Headmasters and Teachers in Delta State., Nigerian School Health Journal Vol.24 Pages: 71 — 79
- Ogbe, O. and Agbedia, C.O. (2012) Comparative Analysis of Global Health Statistics: Implication for Health Education and Promotion., Continental Journal of Nursing Science
Vol.4 Pages: 23 —33
- Ogbe, J.O. (2011) Societal attitude towards the teaching of sexuality education in schools in Delta State. , Nigerian Journal of Health Education (NJIIE). Vol.15 Pages: 95 — 102
- Ogbe, J.O. (2011) Demographic and health indicators as predictors of life expectancy in African countries: Implications for population education and health promotion in Nigeria., East African Journal of Public Health Vol.8 Pages: 45—48
- Ogbe, J.O. (2010) Household size and water availability as demographic predictors of maternal and child mortality in Delta State: Implications for Health Education., Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. Vol.11 Pages: 313 — 318
- Ogbe, J.O. (2010) Perception of Delta State University students on the choice of Physical and Health Education options as separate disciplines., African Journal of Studies in Education (AJOSIE) Vol.6&7 Pages: 35 43
- Ogbe, J.O. (2008) Exclusive breast feeding and children immunization as demographic determinants of child mortality in Delta State, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition (PJN) Vol.7 Pages: 35 —39
- Ogbe, J.O. (2008) A survey of body mass index (BMI) among undergraduate students of Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria., Journal of Nigeria Association of Sports Science and Medicine (JONASSM) Vol.10 Pages: 56—59
- Ogbe, J.O. (2007) Urban-Rural difference in the acceptance of Health Education programmes among reproductive women in Delta State., Nigerian School Health Journal, Vol.19 Pages: 83 —92
- Ogbe, J.O. (2007) Comparative Analysis of Apha and Beta Blocker Drugs Abuse, Among Cardiovascular Patients on Outpatient — Treatment in Abraka Metropolis, Delta State, Abraka., Journal of Nigeria Association of Sports Science and Medicine (JONASSM). Vol.9 Pages: 100-104
- Ogbe, J.O. & Karki, A.J. (2006) Health and Safety Education: A report of a health education programme for motor-vehicle repairers in Warri Metropolis., International Journal of Health Promotion and Education Vol.44 Pages: 138 — 140
- Ogbe, J.O. (2006) Health education strategy in the workplace. A study of Auto-Artisans in Abraka Metropolis and Environs, Delta State, Nigeria. , National Association of Sciences Humanities and Education Research Journal Vol.4 Pages: 70 — 78
- Ogbe, J.O. (2006) Occupation therapy as a social support need in the rehabilitation of discharged psychiatric persons in Abraka metropolis and environs: Implications for Health Education., National Association of Sciences, humanities and Education Research Journal. Vol.4 Pages: 227 - 233.
- Ogbe, J.O & Akparavero, A (2006) Comparative effectiveness of selected methods of teaching Physical and Health Education in primary schools under the University Basic Education Programme in Delta State., Journal of Childhood and Primary Education. Vol.2 Pages: 28—35.
- Ogbe, J.O. & Eboh, L.O, (2006) Appraising the role of Physical and Health Education in the UBE Programme for the development of the youth in schools., Journal of Childhood and Primary Education, Vol.2 Pages: 54 - 60
- Ogbe, J.O. & Eboh, L.O. (2005) Status of health service in public primary schools in Delta State., Journal of Childhood and Primary Education. Vol.1 Pages: 191 — 197
- Ogbe, J.O. & Eboh, L.O. (2004) Community perception of female genital mutilation among the Urhobos in Delta State, Nigeria, Journal of Educational Research and Development. Vol.3 Pages: 1
- Ogbe, J.O. & Nwajei, S.D. (2004) Perceived teacher’s awareness of safety and disaster prevention measures in schools in Ethiope East Local Government, Delta State., Nigerian School Health Journal'_AWARENESS_OF_SAFETY_AND_DISASTER_PREVENTION_MEASURES_IN_SCHOOLS_IN_ETHIOPE-EAST_LOCAL_GOVERNMENT_DELTA_STATE?_sg=a9o4aoadMxXpHwYXKX-LU6Zz1uD3vYsWk-CFhQca_UVuteuOJ-aKb86eUziwPPtPcoNIrW4DplZ7PRv93uJPVqFYzMjpedhWid6JxMib.i516aKj1tlinCCi98Ngrz-2m-XhnP26OrNnxZeBtJ-YfL7_JzkbtGQDoQN5_xm6Tb5x5DCRSBZc68c_rMGUWXA Vol.I & 2, Pages: 55—62.
- Ogbe, J.O. (2004) Status of Physical and Health Education Under the Universal Basic Education in Sapele Local Government Area of Delta State., Journal of Sports Management and Educational Research (JOSMER)
Vol.1 Pages: 109 — 119
- Cole, A.H. & Ogbe, JO. (1987) Energy intake, expenditure and pattern of daily activity of Nigerian students, British Journal of Nutrition Vol.58 Pages: 357—367