
Email: anho@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Educational Administration
  • Department of Educational Management and Foundations

  • Mrs. Anho Roseline Okiemute obtained her M.ED in History Education 2004 at Delta State University Abraka and B.A. English Education 1997 She is currently the departmental screening officer from 2015 till date, she was departmental officer from 2000 till date
    My Publications
  1. E Nakpodia, R Anho (2014) The Problem of Information and Communication Technology on Personnel Development in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions, Journal of Mobile Communication
    [PDF] from docsdrive.com Vol.5 Pages: 37-40

  2. Roseline Okiemute Anho (2013) Quality leadership development and improvement in the managemet of secondary schools in Nigeria, International Journal of Research in Education and Society
    Vol.4 Pages: 62 - 69

  3. Roseline Okiemute Anho (2012) Community Involvement in the management of secondary schools in Nigeria, Crown Research in Education
    www.crownjournals.org Vol.2 Pages: 88-91

  4. Roseline Okiemute Anho (2012) Workload on Teachers Performance in secondary schools in Delta State Nigeria, Crown Research in Education
    Vol.2 Pages: 88-91

  5. Roseline Okiemute Anho (2011) Moral conducts of students in secondary schools in Delta State: ab assessment of the effects on Native culture on discipline, order and control, African Journal of education and technology
    pdfs.semanticscholar.org Vol.1 Pages: 45 - 52

  6. E Nakpodia, R Anho (2011) Teachers accountablity in Nigerian educational system perception of teachers and administrators in Delta State, International NGO Journal
    http://www.academicjournals.org/NGO Vol.6 Pages: 152-158

  7. Roseline Okiemute Anho (2011) The role of educational administrators in Nigerian secondary schools, African Journal of education and technology
    https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1808045 Vol.1 Pages: 45-52

  8. E Nakpodia, R Anho (2007) Professional development needs of principals of secondary schools, Delta State, Educational Trends
    Vol.25 Pages: 28 - 32

  9. E Nakpodia, R Anho (2004) Private Enterprise Participation and Funding of Education in Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Teacher Education and Teaching
    Vol.7 Pages: 52-59

  10. E Nakpodia, R Anho (2004) Effective interpersonal skills in school administration, Nigerian Journal of Research and Production
    Vol.7 Pages: 120-129