- Area of Specialization: Social studies education
- Department of Social Science Education
My Publications- Atubi,O.Favour & Dania,P.O (2020) Integration of Art Galleries into Upper Basic Social Studies in Delta State:A Pedagogical Approach for Sustainable Growth and Development., Delsu Journal of Educational Research and Development
Vol.17(2) Pages: 290-294
- Dania, P. 0 (2017) Sex Education and Social Development of Social Studies Students In Secondary Schools in Akoko-Edo Local Government Area of Edo State. , Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education
Vol.Vol. 10 (8) Pages: pp 124 — 130
- Dania, P. 0. and Dania, R. 0. (2017) The Role of Bureaucracy in Organisationa Efficiency in University of Uyo. , Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities and Education
Vol. Vol 12 (10) Pages: pp 91 — 96.
- Dania, p. 0., and Igbanibo A.S (2016) Culture and Moral Values and Sustainable Development in Bayelsa State:, The Role of Social Studies Education Research on Humanities and Social Science Journal.
Vol.6(14) Pages: pp 15 — 16
- Dania, P.O., Obro S, and Owhorhu J.S (2016) Challenges of Material Resources Management among Social Studies Lecturers in Nigerian Universities., Journal of Education and Practice
Vol.7(20) Pages: 99-102
- Dania, P. 0 (2016) Social Studies Education and the Affective Behaviour , Social Science and Humanities Journal
Everant.inhindex.php/sshj Vol.1 (15) Pages: pp 333 - 349
- Dania, P. 0. (2014) Effect of gender on Students Academic Achievement in Secondary School Social Studies, Journal of Educational and Practice
Vol.Vol. 5(21) Pages: 78- 84
- Mezieobi, . I. lgbokwe, U. L., Dania, P. 0., And Mezieobi. S. A (2014) Poverty Alleviation Education Integration in Social Studies Curriculum: Implications for Developing Sustainable Skills in Nigeria Child, Journal of Developing Countries Students
Vol. Vol. 4 (10) Pages: 92-10
- Dania. P. 0. and Obro S. (2013) The Efficacy of Social Studies Education in Promoting Family Values. International Journal of Educational Science and Research (TJESR), International Journal of Educational Science and Research (TJESR).
http://mv. indexcopernicus. corn/index en.php) Vol. Vol. 3, Issue 5 Pages: pp. 59-64
- Dania P. 0. (2013) Classroom Relations and Interactions; Implication for Upgrading Teacher’s Classroom Skills., Journal of Teaching and Education
Vol.2(4) Pages: 165-170
- Dania, P. 0. and Eboh R. N. (2013) Quality Social Science Education for Character and Values Moulding in Nigeria. , Delsu Journal of Educational Research and Development.
Vol.12 (1) Pages: Pp. 22-27.
- Dania, P. 0. and Emuebie J. B (2012) Social Studies Education in the 21st Century, a Tool for fighting corruption in Nigeria, An international Multi-Disciplinary Journal
Vol.Indexed African Journals Online (AJOL) Pages: pp 181 — 191
- Dania. P. 0. (2011) Advancement of Tradomedical Education Through Effective Teaching of Social Studies in South-South Region of Nigeria, international Multidisciplinary Journal. Indexed African Journals Online (AJOL)
Vol.Vol. 5(2) Pages: pp 263 —273.
- Dania, P. 0 (2010) Revival of family values through Social Studies Education for Integrated Development in Nigeria, International Journal of Social Sciences.
Vol.1(1) Pages: pp. 249
- Izughara, C. 0., Duru. E. J. C. and Dania, P. 0. (2009) Women and Male: Partner dating violence in Nigeria., India Journal of Gender Studies
Vol.15 (3) Pages: 5/3/461
- Dania P. 0. and Mokobia M. 0. (2008) Socio-Enyjroninentai Issues in Secondary School Science Learning, in Delta State: Implications for Human Resources Development in the Developing Nations. Educational Insights. , A Journal of the Association of Educationist in Nigeria.
Vol.(AEN) 15(10) Pages: Pp. 80-84.
- Dania, P. 0 (2008) Democratic Values and Practice as Civic Education Citizenship Education Association of Nigeria, , Journal of Citizenship Education.
Vol.Vol 7 Pages: Pp. 18-23
- Dania, P. 0 (2008) Comparative Study of the implications of NEPAD and Needs in the Educational Development of Edo State. , African Journal of Science and Technology
Vol. 10 (8) Pages: 76-90
- Dania, P. 0 (2008) Trado-Medical Education and Sustainable Health Delivery in Primary Schools in Edo North Senatorial District., The Nigerian Education.
Vol.14(6) Pages: 78-87.
- Dania, P. 0 and Osakwe, R. N. (2007) The Teacher Factor and Effective Implementation of Environmental Education in Akwa Ibom State. , The Journal of the National Education Association
Vol. Pages: pp. 104-1 09
- Dania, P. 0. (2007) , The Challenges of Educational Reforms: The UBE Example in Nigeria., African Journal of Studies in Education
Vol.Vol. 3 No.2 Pages: Pp 110-122
- Dania, P. 0. and Egwuai, P. (2006) Health Services as a Tool for Effective Management of Primary Education in the 2l Century Nigeria, . Journal of Curriculum Studies
Vol. Vol. 13 Pages: Pp. 53-62
- Imobighe, M.D and Dania P.O (2006) An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Selected Macroeconomic Aggregates on Capital Formation in Nigeria (1975 — 2002, Journal ofResearch in National Developmen
Vol.Vol 4(1) Pages:
- Dania, P. 0. (2005) Impacts of Educators’ Perception. And Their Attitude Towards. Social Studies Programme Implementation on Sustainable Development., International Journal of Social Sciences
Vol.Vol 4 Pages: 84-91
- Dania, P. 0 (2004) The Union: An under Estimated Tool for Quality Bottom-Top Relationship in the University System, . African Journal of Education and Information Management
Vol.Vol 6 Pages: 28-33
- Dania, P. 0 (2003) Students’ Verification Ability of Environment Problem as a Correlate in Ensuring their Participation in Environmental Protection, The Researcher
Vol.Vol 6 Pages: 105-111
- Dania, P. 0. (2003) Innovation in Social Studies Curriculum and Enhancement in its teaching and learning effectiveness. , Journal of Research Information and Education,
Vol.Vol 6 Pages: 34-41
- Esu, A.E.O. and Dania p. 0. (1998) (1998) Educator’s Perception of and their Attitude towards Social Studies Programme, Implementation in , Nigeria 2 (3) September 1998, ISSN-2220-5207 Published by Social Studies Teachers’ Association of Nigeria (SOSTAN)
Vol. Pages: 105