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  • Area of Specialization: Literary and Social Criticism, Prostitution, Human Capital Development, Sustainable Development Goals, English-French-Spanish Translation
  • Department of Music

  • Prof. Eraguonona James Obitaba is a Professor of French/Francophone African Literature. He served the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the capacity of Language Expert/Volunteer in the Republic of Djibouti. He participated in the AFRICAN RESEARCH CONFEDERACY ON AFRICAN LITERATURE AND CULTURE. On the basis of the quality of his research and national assignment, he earned commendations from the LEOPOLD SEDAR SENGHOR FOUNDATION, SENEGAL, THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Nigeria, among others. The Nigerian Universities Commission has enjoyed his services as a Panelist in her accreditation exercises. He developed and recommended inter alia, an all-indigenous model of Sustainable Development, the conscientised form of development for African countries in his Inaugural Lecture, “HARNESSING AFRICAN VALUES AND RESOURCES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH FRANCOPHONE AFRICAN LITERATURE”, the 76th in the series of same, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. Presently, he is a Father, Husband, Lecturer, Researcher and English-French-Spanish-Urhobo Translator at the Department of Languages and Linguistics, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria as well as Director, Special Duties and Time-table.
    My Publications
  1. Obitaba, E. J. (2019) Harnessing African Values and Resources for Sustainable Development through Francophone African Literature, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
    Vol. Pages:

  2. Obitaba, E. J. (2018) Faire Renaitre la Démocratie en Afrique: la Calebasse cassée de Tunde Fatunde en perspective, Revue de l’Association des Professeurs de Francais des Universités Nigérianes
    Vol.16 Pages: 107-116

  3. Obitaba, E. J. (2017) General Introduction, Communication in French
    Vol. Pages: 1-9

  4. Obitaba, E. J. (2014) The Interplay of Tricksterdom and Kidnap in Hampate Bâ’s L’ Etrange Destin de Wangrin, ABRAKA HUMANITIES REVIEW JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF ARTS
    Vol.6(3) Pages: 19-30

  5. Obitaba, E. J. (2012) Ubiudu re Ohworakpo The Urhobo translation of The Heart of Man, Nations Gospel publishers, South Africa
    Vol. Pages:

  6. Obitaba, E. J. (2012) Les dessous des Bribes d’Espagnol dans les oeuvres litteraires en francais de Labou Tansi, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTS AND CULTURE IN SOCIETY
    Vol.4(2) Pages: 113-117

  7. Obitaba, E. J. (2012) The Taste for Rhythm in African Theatre/Drama: The Examples of Efua Sutherland’s The Marriage of Anansewa and Maoundoué Naindouba’s L’Etudiant de Soweto, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTS AND CULTURE IN SOCIETY
    Vol.4(1) Pages: 113-121

  8. Obitaba, E. J. (2012) Scientific Translation: Importance and the Concept of Exactness, TRANSLATIO, Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs
    Vol.31(1) Pages: 41-51

  9. Obitaba, E. J. (2011) Le rôle de l’enfantement inversé dans le théatre Africain d’expression française: L’exemple de Trop c’est trop de Protais Asseng, Transgressions and Multi Culturalism, University of South Africa Press
    Vol.5 Pages:

  10. Obitaba, E. J. (2011) Developing and Conscientising Human Capital in Hampate Bâ’s L’etrange destin de Wangrin, Abraka Studies in African Arts II The Humanities and Human Capital Development
    Vol. Pages: 84-95

  11. Obitaba, E. J. (2011) Interview Avec Aminata Sow Fall pour Etudiants et chercheurs en littérature Africaine, Ethiope Publishing Corporation
    Vol. Pages:

  12. Obitaba, E. J. (2011) The Literary Antecedents of kidnapping in The Niger Delta: Nancy Oll’s Example in Ekwensi’s Jagua Nana, SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL PEACE AND SECURITY IN THE NIGER DELTA
    Vol.2 Pages: 43-52

  13. Obitaba, E. J. (2011) Breaking the white superiority myth in African Literature: Oyono’s Une Vie de Boy and Naindouba’s L’etudiant de Soweto in perspective, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES
      Vol.3(6) Pages: 116-122

  14. Obitaba, E. J. (2010) Entretien avec Sembene Ousmane, Journal of African Literature and culture
    Vol.7 Pages: 165-185

  15. Obitaba, E. J. (2009) Semblance of Sustainable Women Development Via Prostitution: Ekwensi’s Jagua Nana and Beyala’s Tu t’ appelleras Tanga in Perspective, MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT. Goals: Issue on Gender, Women, Poverty and Development
    Vol. Pages: Pages

  16. Obitaba, E. J. (2008) L’Esthétique du discours de la Prostitution: L’exemple de Sadji, Bâ, Daher Ahmed Farah, Sembène, Beti, Labou Tansi et Beyala, ETHIOPIQUES Vol.81 Pages: 37-51

  17. Obitaba, E. J. (2007) Urhobo-French Translation in Biakolo’s L’étonnante Enfance d’Inotan: Importance for National Development, ABRAKA HUMANITIES REVIEW
    Vol.11(1) Pages: 55-62

  18. Obitaba, E. J. (2007) La Signification Onirique de Monsieur Thogôgnini” (The Onirical meaning of Monsieur Thogôgnini), REVUE D’ETUDES FRANCOPHONES D’ILORIN
    Vol.11(1) Pages: 94-103

  19. Obitaba, E. J. (2006) The Importance of French in Science, Technology and Research, CALABAR JOURNAL OF LIBERAL STUDIES
    Vol.9(1) Pages: 52-61

  20. Obitaba, E. J. (2006) Le sida dans la LittératureAfricaine d’ Expression Française: L’ Exemple d’ Abibatou Traore dans Sidagamie” (The Theme of HIV/AIDS in African Literature: The Example of Abibatou Traore’s Sidagamie, REVUE D’ ETUDES FRANCOPHONES DE CALABAR
    Vol.6(1) Pages: 53-68

  21. Obitaba, E. J. (2006) Mutations Sociales: Critique d’Excision et d’ Obsèques dans la Littérature Africaine” (Social Change: Critique of Female Circumcision and Obituary Ceremonies in African Literature), JOURNAL OF NEW STUDIES IN LANGUAGES AND LITERARY STUDIES
    Vol.1 Pages: 64-184

  22. Obitaba, E. J. (2005) Entretiens avec Sembène Ousmane et Fall, Aminata Sow: Différents Points de Vues sur la Mendicité, REVUE D’ETUDES FRANCOPHONES DE CALABAR
    Vol.5(1) Pages: 21-55

  23. Obitaba, E. J. (2005) Application of Urhobo Proverbs to Literary Facts and Situations in L’étrangedestin de Wangrin D’ AmadouHampatéBâ, JOURNAL OF NIGERIAN LANGUAGES AND CULTURE
    Vol.7 Pages: 14-19

  24. Obitaba, E. J. (2005) Illiteracy in Nigerian Languages: The Example of the Urhobo Intelligentsia, JOURNAL OF NIGERIAN LANGUAGES AND CULTURE
    Vol.7 Pages: 9-13

      Vol.  Pages:  

  26. Obitaba, E. J. (2003) Prostitution in African Francophone Feminist Literature, Signal Educational Books for Nigeria Universities French Teachers’ Association
    Vol. Pages: 208-235

  27. Obitaba, E. J. Biakolo, A. O. (2002) Osundare’s Stylistic Criteria Applied to The Eye of the Earth and Naindouba’s L’Etudiant de Soweto, The Poetry and Poetics of Niyi Osundare
    Vol. Pages: 141-154

  28. Obitaba, E. J. (2002) L’interprète comme Diffuseur des Cultures: L’Exemple de Wangrin dans L’Etrange destin de Wangrin d’Amadou Hampate Bâ, Second Annual National Conference of the Nigerian Universities French Teachers’ Association
    Vol. Pages: 149-162

  29. Obitaba, E. J. (2000) Translation in Advertising Industry: The Example of French and Yoruba Languages on the tins of two beverages, ETHIOPE RESEARCH
    Vol.1 Pages: 73-86

  30. Obitaba, E. J. (1999) Résumé de Texte ou Compte-rendu: Un Outil à Vie Négligé” (Summary/Précis Writing: The Neglected Life-long Tool), ABIA JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES
    Vol.1(1) Pages: 184-197

  31. Obitaba, E. J. (1990) Le role des Mendiants dans Xala et la Greve des Battu, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
    Vol. Pages:

  32. Obitaba, E. J. (1981) Le théatre Negroafricaine: Elements historiques et Nouvelles Tendances Mémoir de Licence, Université du Bénin. Lomé Togo
    Vol. Pages: