
Email: omogbiya@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Neuropharmacology & Toxicology
  • Department of Pharmacology

  • I am passionate about molecular basis underlying disease pathologies especially in relation to CNS disorders and how therapeutic molecules impact the processes that define these pathologies within neural circuitries. My recent projects have also delved into how environmental destabilizations in terms of hazards directly impacts or modify neurobiology and epigenetics functions
    My Publications
  1. Omogbiya A.I. Moke E.G., Ojieh A.E., Enaohwo M.T., Umukoro E.K., Anachuna K.K. and Omilo C.U. (2020) Evaluation of Perception, Attitude, and Impact of Club-house Noise Pollution on Mental Health of Individuals Living within Proximity of Club-houses in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria. , J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage.
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/article/view/197676 Vol.24(6) Pages: 1009-1013

  2. 2. Omogbiya A.I. Moke E.G., Ojieh A.E., Enaohwo M.T., Umukoro E.K., Anachuna K.K. and Omilo C.U. (2020) Maternal Knowledge and Perception Towards Childhood Immunization in a Health Facility in Delta State, Nigeria., The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences.
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/tjhc/article/view/197523 Vol.27(3) Pages: 9-14

  3. Oladapo O.M., Ben-Azu B., Ajayi M.A., Emokpae O., Eneni, A.O., Omogbiya A.I., and Iwalewa E.O. (2020) Naringin Confers Protection against Psychosocial Defeat Stress-Induced Neurobehavioral Deficits in Mice: Involvement of Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Isoform-67, Oxido-Nitrergic Stress and Neuroinflammatory Mechanisms., Journal of Molecular Neuroscience
    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32767187/ Vol. Pages:

  4. Omogbiya A.I., Anachuna K.K., Umukoro E.K., Moke E.G., Nzei A. (2020) Academic-related stress and prevalence of migraine and tension-type headaches amongst undergraduates of Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria., Res. J. of Health Sci.
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/rejhs/article/view/197487 Vol.8(2) Pages: 133-145

  5. Edje K.E., Toloyai P.Y., Mordi J.C., Daubry T.M.E., Moke E.G., Omogbiya A.I. and Samson E.E. (2020) Chickenpox Vaccination: Knowledge and Attitude of Child-Bearing Women of Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria., Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/article/view/197684 Vol.24(6) Pages: 1051-1055

  6. Ben-Azu B., Aderibigbe A.O., Ajayi M.A., Eneni A.O., Omogbiya A.I., Owoeye O., Umukoro S. and Iwalewa E.O. (2019) Morin decreases cortical pyramidal neuron degeneration via inhibition of neuroinflammation in mouse model of schizophrenia. , International Immunopharmacology
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/international-immunopharmacology/vol/70/suppl/C Vol.70 Pages: 338-353

  7. Ben-Azu B., Ekene E.N., Aderibigbe A.O., Omogbiya A.I., Ajayi M.A., Olonode E.T., Umukoro S. and Iwalewa E.O. (2019) Possible neuroprotective mechanisms of actions involved in the neurobehavioural property of naringin in mice., Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0753332218347668 Vol.109 Pages: 536-546

  8. 7. Ben-Azu B., Aderibigbe A.O., Omogbiya A.I.,Ajayi M.A., Owoeye O., Olonode E.T. and Iwalewa E.O. (2018) Probable mechanisms involved in the antipsychotic-like activity of morin in mice., Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0753332218320134 Vol.109 Pages: 1079-1090

  9. Ben-Azu B., Omogbiya A.I., Aderibigbe A.O., Umukoro S., Ajayi M.A. and Iwalewa E.O. (2018) Doxycycline prevents and reverses schizophrenic-like behaviors induced by ketamine in mice via modulation of oxidative, nitrergic and cholinergic pathways., Brain Research Bulletin,
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0361923017306020 Vol.139 Pages: 114-124

  10. Ben-Azu B., Aderibigbe A.O., Omogbiya A.I., Ajayi M.A. and Iwalewa E.O. (2017) Morin pretreatment attenuates schizophrenia-like behaviors in experimental animal models., Drug Research
    https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_vis=1&q=10.%09Ben-Azu+B.%2C+Aderibigbe+A.O.%2C+Omogbiya+A.I.%2C+Ajayi+M.A.+and+Iwalewa+E.O.+%282017%29.+Morin+pretreatment+attenuates+schizophrenia-like+behaviors+in+experimental+animal+models.+Drug+Research%2C+67%3A+1-9&btnG= Vol.67 Pages: 1-9

  11. Eduviere A.T., Umukoro S., Adeoluwa O.A., Omogbiya A.I. and Aluko M.O. (2016) Possible Mechanisms Involved in Attenuation of Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Memory Deficits by Methyl Jasmonate in Mice., Neurochemical Research / Springer
    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27590498/ Vol.41 Pages: 3239-3249

  12. Ben-Azu B., Omogbiya A.I,Adeoluwa O.A., Ajayi M.A., Aderibigbe A.O., Umukoro S., Iwalewa E.O., Ejebe D., Oloche J.J., Eneni O.A. and Eranga O (2016) Amelioration of Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress-Induced Behavioural Perturbations by Noni Juice in Mice: Possible Involvement of Antioxidant System. , European Journal of Medicinal Plants / Google Scholar
    https://www.journalejmp.com/index.php/EJMP/article/view/14416 Vol.17(1) Pages: 1-17

  13. Ben-Azu B., Omogbiya A.I, Aderibigbe A.O., Umukoro S., Ajayi M.A., Eneni O.A. and Iwalewa E.O. (2016) Doxycycline Ameliorates Schizophrenia-Like Behaviors in Experimental Models in Mice by Targeting Underlying Oxidative Stress., Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science / Scientific Research Publishing
    https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=72696 Vol.6 Pages: 539-562

  14. Umukoro S., Oluwole O.G., Eduviere A.T., Omogbiya A.I. and Ajayi M.A. (2015) Jobelyn® exhibited anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing activities in experimental models., J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol / DE GRUYTER
    https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/jbcpp/26/5/article-p501.xml Vol.26(5) Pages: 501-508

  15. Umukoro S., Oluwole O.G., Olamijowon H.E, Omogbiya A.I. and Eduviere A.T. (2015) Effect of monosodium glutamate on behavioral phenotypes, biomarkers of oxidative stress in brain tissues and liver enzymes in mice. , World Journal of Neuroscience / Google Scholar
    https://www.scirp.org/Journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=60932 Vol.5 Pages: 339-349

  16. Omogbiya A.I., Umukoro S., Aderibigbe A.O., Bakre A.G. (2013) Jobelyn® pretreatment ameliorates symptoms of psychosis in experimental models., J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol / DE GRUYTER
    https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/jbcpp/24/4/article-p331.xml Vol.24(4) Pages: 331-336

  17. Umukoro S., Omogbiya A.I. and Eduviere A.T. (2013) Evaluation of the effect of Jobelyn® on chemoconvulsants-induced seizure in mice. , J. Basic and Clin Neuroscience / Research Papers
    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25337338/ Vol.4(2) Pages: 19-23

  18. Umukoro S., Omogbiya A.I. and Eduviere A.T. (2013) Effect of Jobelyn® on intruder- and isolation-induced aggressive behaviours in mice, J. Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol, DE GRUYTER
    https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/jbcpp/24/4/article-p263.xml Vol.24(4) Pages: 269-269

  19. Umukoro S., Ugbomah A., Aderibigbe A., Omogbiya A.I. (2013) Antioxidant property of Jobelyn® as the possible mechanism underlying its anti-amnesic activity in rodents., J Basic and Clin Neuroscience / Research Paper
    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25337327/ Vol.4(1) Pages: 42-49