
Email: obiunu@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Adolescent Psychology/Career Counselling
  • Department of Guidance and Counselling

  • I am a Catholic Priest lecturing in the Department of Guidance and Counselling. I have a passion for listening to and helping people experiencing one challenge or another. This desire drove me into my vocation and calling to become a priest and also my academic and professional life as a counsellor. The background to this orientation is that the world can be a better place if people understand themselves, develop the capacity to resolve personal and relational issues, know their environment and develop the right skills to manage people and activities in their environment. I love the counselling profession and am always willing to listen to and help those who are distressed in one way or another to adjust and cope in an appropriate.
    My Publications
  1. Jude J. Obiunu and Jennifer O. Yalaju (2020) Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Interpersonal Communication and Job Satisfaction on the Job Performance of Staff in Chevron Nigeria Limited, Warri, Delta State Nigeria., Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. RichtMann Publishing
    http://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/12144/11743 Vol.9(4) Pages: 160 -167

  2. Obiunu, J.J, & Emakpor, E.E. (2020) Influence of gender, location, and parental factors on career choice of senior secondary school students., Advances in Social Science Research Journal. Published by Service for Science and Education Ltd.
    https://doi.org/10.14738/assrj.73.7768 Vol.7.3 Pages: 259 – 268

  3. 1. Obiunu, J.J. (2018) Influence of parenting styles on the academic performance of secondary school students in Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State., International Journal of Educational Technology and Learning Vol. 2 (2) Published by Scientific Publishing Institute, Grandville MI USA.
    https://scipg.com/index.php/101/article/view/16/16 Vol.Vol 2(2) Pages: 54-58

  4. 2. Obiunu, J.J. and Ozuri, R (2018) Home background, peer group pressure and truancy among secondary school adolescent students in Edo State., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences. Published by Scientific Publishing Institute, Grandville MI USA
    https://scipg.com/index.php/103/article/view/77/107 Vol.Vol 3(1) Pages: 1-9

  5. 3. Obiunu, J.J. (2018) The relationship between socio economic status, personality traits and spousal abuse of married secondary school teachers in Delta State., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences. Vol. Published by Scientific Publishing Institute, Grandville MI USA.
    https://scipg.com/index.php/103/article/view/77/107 Vol.Vol 3(1) Pages: 1-9

  6. Obiunu, J.J. (2015) Relationship between parents and peer influences on qualities of adolescent friendship, Journal of Education and Practice, 6(8). Published by IISTE, NY (USA) and London (UK)
    https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1082725.pdf Vol.6 (8) Pages: 128-133

  7. Obiunu, J.J. (2015) Teachers perception of universal basic education programme as an educational reform policy, Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies. published by Scholarlink Research Institute, Manchester (UK)
    https://journals.co.za/content/sl_jeteraps/6/1/EJC167445 Vol.6(1) Pages: 6-10

  8. Obiunu, J.J. (2015) Relationship between confidentiality and empathy on the openness of clients in a counselling session., Global Journal for Research Analysis,). Published by SARA Publishing Academy, India.
    https://www.worldwidejournals.com/global-journal-for-research-analysis-GJRA/fileview/February_2015_1425473730__89.pdf Vol. 4(2 Pages: 58-62

  9. Obiunu, J.J. (2015) Relationship between parents and peer influences on qualities of adolescent friendship., Journal of Education and Practice. Published by IISTE, NY (USA) and London (UK
    https://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/article/view/21018 Vol.6 (8) Pages: 128-133

  10. Obiunu, J.J. (2014) The influence of sexuality education on inappropriate sexual behaviours among secondary school students., Advances in Research, Published by ScienceDOMAIN International, UK.
    https://www.journalair.com/index.php/AIR/article/view/17493 Vol.2(12) Pages: 870 -878

  11. Obiunu, J.J. (2014) Inclusive and pluralist approaches as correlates of counselling children towards religious tolerance, Journal of Education and Practice, 5(19). Published by IISTE, NY (USA) and London (UK)
    https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/article/view/13941 Vol.5(19) Pages: 19 - 28

  12. Obiunu, J.J. (2014) The causes and effects of youth restiveness in the Niger Delta of Nigeria. Implications for counselling., African Journal of Education and Technology 4 Published by Sacha and Diamond, England United Kingdom.
    http://www.sachajournals.com/user/image/ajet2014jude002.pdf Vol.4(1) Pages: 119 - 126

  13. Obiunu, J.J. (2014) The effects of age, parents and teachers attitude on aggressive and non aggressive antisocial behaviour of adolescents., Global Journal of Human Social Sciences. Published by Global Journals Inc. USA.
    https://globaljournals.org/GJHSS_Volume14/3-The-Effect-of-age-Parents-and-Teachers.pdf Vol.14(1) Pages: 21-28

  14. Obiunu, J.J. (2013) The effects of gender sensitivity on discrimination among secondary school students., Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies. Published by Scholarlink Research Institute, Manchester (UK)
    https://journals.co.za/content/sl_jeteraps/4/6/EJC148729 Vol.4(6) Pages: 888 - 894

  15. Obiunu, J.J. and Ebunu, O.R. (2013) Counselling for national security., Research journal in organisational psychology and educational studies. Published by Emerging Academic Resources, USA
    http://rjopes.emergingresource.org Vol.2(12) Pages: 72 - 77

  16. Obiunu J.J. and Ebunu O.R (2013) The relationship between openness to experience, gender and academic performance of secondary school students., Research journal in organisational psychology and educational studies, . Published by Emerging Academic Resources, USA
    http://rjopes.emergingresource.org Vol.2(3) Pages: 126 -131

  17. Obiunu, J.J. and Ebunu O.R. (2013) Situational factors as correlates of secondary school adolescent students career choice in Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State., International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, Published by IRSSH Research Group, India
    https://www.coursehero.com/file/39132909/12-IRSSH-564-V5N2243104831pdf/ Vol.5(2) Pages: 106 - 114

  18. Jude J Obiunu (2010) The interaction of sex with career day on the career decision making of secondary school adolescent students, Educational Research. Foreign indexed journal Published by International Research Journals, Newark, USA.
    https://www.interesjournals.org/articles/the-interaction-of-sex-with-career-day-on-the-career-decision-making-of-secondary-school-adolescent-students.pdf Vol.1(9). Pages: 333 -339

  19. Jude J Obiunu and Oghenebrorien Ruth Ebunu (2010) Factors affecting career development of senior secondary school students in Ethiope East Local Government Arrea of Delta State, Nigeria., Educational Research Published by International Research Journals, Newark, USA
    https://www.interesjournals.org/abstract/factors-affecting-career-development-of-senior-secondary-school-students-in-ethiope-east-local-government-area-delta-sta-17400.html Vol. 1(11). Pages: 594 -599

  20. Jude J Obiunu (2008) The effects of reciprocal peer tutoring on the enhancement of career decision making process among secondary school adolescents., Educational Research and Review. Published by Academic Journals, Nairobi Kenya, Lagos, Nigeria.
    https://academicjournals.org/journal/ERR/article-stat/E28B6893351 Vol.3(7) Pages: 236 – 241

  21. Ede O.S. and Jude J.Obiunu (2006) The dilemma of primary school attendance in Nigeria. , Journal of Instructional Psychology. Published by Journal of Instructional Psychology, Alabama, USA
    https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1G1-148367622/the-dilemma-of-primary-school-attendance-in-nigeria Vol.33(2) Pages: 147 -153

  22. E.O. Egbochuku and J.J. Obiunu (2006) The effects or reciprocal peer counselling in enhancement of of self – concept among secondary school adolescents., Education. Published by Project Innovation, AL USA.
    https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1G1-145681742/the-effect-of-reciprocal-peer-counselling-in-the-enhancement Vol.126 (3) Pages: 504 – 511

  23. Ede O.S. and Jude J. Obiunu (2005) Impact of citizenship education on the civic consciousness of Nigerian Youths., Journal of Instructional Psychology. foreign indexed journal published by Journal of Instructional Psychology, Alabama, USA.
    https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1G1-140412143/impact-of-citizenship-education-on-the-civic-consciousness Vol.32(4) Pages: 305 -309